Read and repeat dozens of inspiring, built in affirmations that will help you stay positive.

Add a new Affirmation

You can easily add an affirmation to your collection by writing your own or choosing from dozens of built in suggestions.

Write your own:

  1. Tap the create button on the top right in Affirmations tab.

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  2. Write a new affirmation and tap Add

Add from built in suggestions:

  1. Tap the Suggestions button in the Affirmations tab
  2. Tap Add on a suggestion you like

Update or change an Affirmation reminder

You can always edit the time you receive a specific affirmation reminder, or turn it off entirely.

  1. Tap the reminders icon on the top left in the Affirmations tab
  2. Tap an existing affirmation and the date picker will come up
  3. Select your new date and tap done